Thursday, 21 July 2011

Look Before You Leap: Issues to analyze before saying I do (The Concluding part)

Other important issues include

- Types of music loved
- Money matters (joint account/separate account, both,% to be saved or spent etc)
- Friendship with opposite sex
- Anger management of both parties
- How to both parties handles conflict
- Identify individual strength and weaknesses
- Level of ambition
- Interpersonal/social skills of each party
- Geographical areas to settle in
- Views with regards to house helps, gate men
- Activities during meal (sounds silly but important)
- Level of dependence on others.
- Level of self control
- Attitude towards spending
- Hygiene level of both parties

Do this analysis and save yourself headache in your marriage/relationship

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Look Before You Leap: Issues to analyze before saying I do (Part1)

Marriage as we all know is not a bed of roses.Every marriage comes with its own challenges. Before you agree to become one with a man/woman do some research first and here are some guidelines to help out.
- Background
- Intelligence level of the two (could be Academic achievement)
- Attitude about weight
- Life goal ( Very important) don’t marry a visionless man/woman
- No of children
- Child rearing views
- Religious belief and spiritual preferences
- Views of smoking and drinking.
- Amount of involvement with in-laws (very important).
- Hobbies and interest

comments and suggestions are welcome
to be continued